Results for 'P. S. Clarke'

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  1.  29
    Photoelectron spectroscopy of the alkali metal halides.P. S. Belton & T. A. Clarke - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 34 (1):157-160.
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  2. A Journal of Demography.V. B. Wigglesworth, P. S. Clarke, H. George Classen, A. R. Goodwin, A. R. Ilersic, John R. Lee, O. S. R. Reddi & F. Rubimarco - 1960 - The Eugenics Review 52:107.
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    On children's interests.Charles Clark & P. S. Wilson - 1975 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 7 (1):41–54.
  4. et al.; Lopez et al.; Medin et al.; Ross et al. Collard, M., 25 Collman, P., 302 Coltheart, M., 104, 105.P. Boyes-Braem, R. Boyle, S. Boysen, A. Clark, C. Coady, L. Cohen & J. Coley - 2002 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen P. Stich & Michael Siegal, The Cognitive Basis of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Predicting End-of-Life Treatment Preferences: Perils and Practicalities.P. H. Ditto & C. J. Clark - 2014 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (2):196-204.
    Rid and Wendler propose the development of a Patient Preference Predictor (PPP), an actuarial model for predicting incapacitated patient’s life-sustaining treatment preferences across a wide range of end-of-life scenarios. An actuarial approach to end-of-life decision making has enormous potential, but transferring the logic of actuarial prediction to end-of-life decision making raises several conceptual complexities and logistical problems that need further consideration. Actuarial models have proven effective in targeted prediction tasks, but no evidence supports their effectiveness in the kind of broad (...)
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  6. P. Mehrotra, Sharad. Zeng, Daniel, Chen, Hsinchun. Thuraisingham, Bhavani.“A Two-Tier Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks--A Friend Approach”. [REVIEW]S. A. Razak, S. Furnell & N. Brooke Clarke - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3975--590.
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  7. Comprehensive User Engagement Sites (CUES) in Philadelphia: A Constructive Proposal.Peter Clark, Marvin J. H. Lee, S. Gulati, A. Minupuri, P. Patel, S. Zheng, Sam A. Schadt, J. Dubensky, M. DiMeglio, S. Umapathy, Olivia Nguyen, Kevin Cooney & S. Lathrop - 2018 - Internet Journal of Public Health 18 (1):1-22.
    This paper is a study about Philadelphia’s comprehensive user engagement sites (CUESs) as the authors address and examine issues related to the upcoming implementation of a CUES while seeking solutions for its disputed questions and plans. Beginning with the federal drug schedules, the authors visit some of the medical and public health issues vis-à-vis safe injection facilities (SIFs). Insite, a successful Canadian SIF, has been thoroughly researched as it represents a paradigm for which a Philadelphia CUES can expand upon. Also, (...)
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  8. Clark's connectionist defense of folk psychology.P. M. Churchland & P. S. Churchland - 1996 - In Robert McCauley, Churchlands and Their Critics. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 250--5.
  9.  15
    Some cognitive structures and processes relevant to relationship functioning.Margaret S. Clark, Vicki S. Helgeson, Kristen Mickelson & Sherri P. Pataki - 1994 - In Robert S. Wyer & Thomas K. Srull, Handbook of Social Cognition: Applications. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 189-238.
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  10. Allan, LG, 207.S. Atran, F. L. Bedford, I. Berent, A. Caramazza, E. V. Clark, J. D. Coley, G. R. Fink, R. S. J. Frackowiak, P. W. Halligan & M. D. Hauser - 1997 - Cognition 64:355.
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    The Post-Traditional Ontology and Hermeneutics of Congar's Theology of History.O. P. Paul Clarke - 2022 - New Blackfriars 103 (1106):499-516.
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    High-spin yrast states in the gamma-soft nuclei Pr-135 and Ce-134.E. S. Paul, C. Fox, A. J. Boston, H. J. Chantler, C. J. Chiara, R. M. Clark, M. Cromaz, M. Descovich, P. Fallon, D. B. Fossan, A. A. Hecht, T. Koike, I. Y. Lee, A. O. Macchiavelli, P. J. Nolan, K. Starosta, R. Wadsworth, I. Ragnarsson & Bob Wadsworth - unknown
    High-spin states have been studied in Pr-135(59), populated through the Cd-116(Na-23,4n) reaction at 115 MeV, using the Gammasphere gamma-ray spectrometer. The negative-parity yrast band has been significantly extended to spin similar to 45 (h) over bar and excitation energy 21.5 MeV, showing evidence for several rotational alignments. The positive-parity yrast band of Ce-135(58), populated through the p4n channel of this reaction, was also populated to spin similar to 38 (h) over bar and excitation energy 18 MeV. Cranking calculations indicate that (...)
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  13. Marx’s Inorganic Body.John P. Clark - 1989 - Environmental Ethics 11 (3):243-258.
    Attempts to find an authentically ecological outlook in Marx’s philosophy of nature are ultimately unsuccessful. Although Marx does at times point the way toward a truly ecological dialectic, he does not himself follow that way. Instead, he proposes a problematic of technological liberation and mastery of nature that preserves many of the dualisms of that tradition of domination with which he ostensibly wishes to break.
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    Max Stirner's egoism.John P. Clark - 1976 - London: Freedom Press.
    A major essay on the basis of individualist thought, with reference to the major influence of Stirner.
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  15. Social justice and political freedom: Revisiting Hannah Arendt's conception of need.James P. Clarke - 1993 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 19 (3-4):333-347.
  16.  51
    Richard McCormick, SJ, and Dual Epistemology.P. A. Clark - 2008 - Christian Bioethics 14 (3):236-271.
    This article will examine McCormick's moral epistemology both at the level of how human persons know values and disvalues, which hereinafter will be referred to as synderesis, and at the level of how human persons know the rightness and wrongness of an action, which hereinafter will be referred to as normative moral judgment. On the one hand, from this investigation it appears that McCormick operates with a dual moral epistemology, at least at the level of synderesis. This means that at (...)
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    Iamblichus, De mysteriis. Iamblichus, Emma C. Clarke, John M. Dillon & Jackson P. Hershbell - 2004 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Emma C. Clarke, John M. Dillon & Jackson P. Hershbell.
    On the text and translation of the De mysteriis -- Iamblichus the man -- The De mysteriis : a defence of theurgy, and an answer to Porphyry's letter to Anebo -- Iamblichus's knowledge of Egyptian religion and mythology -- The nature and contents of De mysteriis -- Iamblichus, De mysteriis : text and translation.
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    Mental State Assessment and Validation Using Personalized Physiological Biometrics.Aashish N. Patel, Michael D. Howard, Shane M. Roach, Aaron P. Jones, Natalie B. Bryant, Charles S. H. Robinson, Vincent P. Clark & Praveen K. Pilly - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  19. Rotational bands in the semi-magic nucleus Ni-57(28)29.D. Rudolph, I. Ragnarsson, W. Reviol, C. Andreoiu, M. A. Bentley, M. P. Carpenter, R. J. Charity, R. M. Clark, M. Cromaz, J. Ekman, C. Fahlander, P. Fallon, E. Ideguchi, A. O. Macchiavelli, M. N. Mineva, D. G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak & S. J. Williams - unknown
    Two rotational bands have been identified and characterized in the proton-magic N = Z + 1 nucleus Ni-57. These bands complete the systematics of well-and superdeformed rotational bands in the light nickel isotopes starting from doubly magic Ni-56 to Ni-60. High-spin states in Ni-57 have been produced in the fusion-evaporation reaction Si-28(S-32, 2p1n)Ni-57 and studied with the gamma-ray detection array GAMMASPHERE operated in conjunction with detectors for evaporated light charged particles and neutrons. The features of the rotational bands in Ni-57 (...)
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    Capabilities Theory and the Limits of Liberal Justice: On Nussbaum’s Frontiers of Justice. [REVIEW]John P. Clark - 2008 - Human Rights Review 10 (4):583-604.
    In Frontiers of Justice, Martha Nussbaum applies the “Capabilities Approach,” which she calls “one species of a human rights approach,” to justice issues that have in her view been inadequately addressed in liberal political theory. These issues include rights of the disabled, rights that transcend national borders, and animal rights issues. She demonstrates the weakness of Rawlsianism, contractualism in general, and much of the Kantian tradition in moral philosophy and shows the need to move beyond the limitations of narrow rationalism, (...)
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    Medium- and high-spin band structure of the chiral-candidate nucleus Pr-134.J. Timar, K. Starosta, I. Kuti, D. Sohler, D. B. Fossan, T. Koike, E. S. Paul, A. J. Boston, H. J. Chantler, M. Descovich, R. M. Clark, M. Cromaz, P. Fallon, I. Y. Lee, A. O. Macchiavelli, C. J. Chiara, R. Wadsworth, A. A. Hecht, D. Almehed, S. Frauendorf & Bob Wadsworth - unknown
    Medium- and high-spin states of Pr-134 were populated using the Cd-116(Na-23, 5n) reaction and studied with the GAMMASPHERE spectrometer. Several new bands have been found in this nucleus, one of them being linked to the previously observed chiral-candidate twin-band structure. The ground state of Pr-134 could be determined through establishing a level structure that connects the two previously known long-lived isomeric states. Unambiguous spin-parity assignments for the excited states could be performed based on the known 2(-) spin-parity of the ground (...)
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    Baseline Differences in Anxiety Affect Attention and tDCS-Mediated Learning.Benjamin C. Gibson, Melissa Heinrich, Teagan S. Mullins, Alfred B. Yu, Jeffrey T. Hansberger & Vincent P. Clark - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Variable responses to transcranial direct current stimulation protocols across individuals are widely reported, but the reasons behind this variation are unclear. This includes tDCS protocols meant to improve attention. Attentional control is impacted by top-down and bottom-up processes, and this relationship is affected by state characteristics such as anxiety. According to Attentional Control Theory, anxiety biases attention towards bottom-up and stimulus-driven processing. The goal of this study was to explore the extent to which differences in state anxiety and related measures (...)
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  23.  30
    Fostering Preservice Teachers’ Sense of Historical Agency through the use of Nonfiction Graphic Novels.J. Spencer Clark & Steven P. Camicia - 2014 - Journal of Social Studies Research 38 (1):1-13.
    This article discusses a case study that explored the potential of nonfiction graphic novels to develop pre-service teachers’ understanding of agency in a social studies methods course. White pre-service teachers were aske'd to read one graphic novel and then add frames, re-narrate frames, and reflect on their decisions. The positionalities of researchers, who are White males, and participants were part of our analysis. The researchers found that pre-service teachers made revisions to the graphic novels to change the historical actors’ decisions: (...)
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  24.  12
    A. Pap's "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science". [REVIEW]Francis P. Clarke - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (2):290.
  25. Commentaries on David Hodgson's "a plain person's free will".Graham Cairns-Smith, Thomas W. Clark, Ravi Gomatam, Robert H. Kane, Nicholas Maxwell, J. J. C. Smart, Sean A. Spence & Henry P. Stapp - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (1):20-75.
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    Isospin and deformation studies in the odd-odd N = Z nucleus Co-54.D. Rudolph, L. -L. Andersson, R. Bengtsson, J. Ekman, O. Erten, C. Fahlander, E. K. Johansson, I. Ragnarsson, C. Andreoiu, M. A. Bentley, M. P. Carpenter, R. J. Charity, R. M. Clark, P. Fallon, A. O. Macchiavelli, W. Reviol, D. G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak, C. E. Svensson & S. J. Williams - unknown
    High-spin states in the odd-odd N = Z nucleus Co-54 have been investigated by the fusion-evaporation reaction Si-28(S-32,1 alpha 1p1n)Co-54. Gamma-ray information gathered with the Ge detector array Gammasphere was correlated with evaporated particles detected in the charged particle detector system Microball and a 1 pi neutron detector array. A significantly extended excitation scheme of Co-54 is presented, which includes a candidate for the isospin T = 1, 6(+) state of the 1f(7/2)(-2) multiplet. The results are compared to large-scale shell-model (...)
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  27.  41
    Aristotle's Theory of the Infinite. Abraham Edel. [REVIEW]Francis P. Clarke - 1935 - Philosophy of Science 2 (2):266-266.
  28. The Interpreter's Bible. Vol. 11. Phillippians.Ernest F. Scott, Robert R. Wicks, Francis W. Beare, G. Preston MacLeod, John W. Bailey, James W. Clarke, Fred D. Gealy, Morgan P. Noyes, John Knox, George A. Buttrick, Alexander C. Purdy & J. Harry Cotton - 1955
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    Strain bursts in plastically deforming molybdenum micro- and nanopillars.M. Zaiser, J. Schwerdtfeger, A. S. Schneider, C. P. Frick, B. G. Clark, P. A. Gruber & E. Arzt - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (30-32):3861-3874.
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  30. Moral values in palliative care: a European comparison.R. Janssens, Hamj ten Have, B. Broeckaert, D. Clark, D. Gracia, F. Illhardt, G. Lantz, S. Privitera & P. Schotsmans - 2002 - In Henk ten Have & David Clark, The ethics of palliative care: European perspectives. Phildelphia, PA: Open University Press.
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  31.  35
    Moral parochialism and contextual contingency across seven societies.Daniel M. T. Fessler, H. Clark Barrett, Martin Kanovsky, Stephen P. Stich, Colin Holbrook, Joseph Henrich, Alexander H. Bolyanatz, Matthew M. Gervais, Michael Gurven, Geoff Kushnick, Anne C. Pisor, Christopher von Rueden & Stephen Laurence - 2015 - Proceedings of the Royal Society; B (Biological Sciences) 282:20150907.
    Human moral judgement may have evolved to maximize the individual's welfare given parochial culturally constructed moral systems. If so, then moral condemnation should be more severe when transgressions are recent and local, and should be sensitive to the pronouncements of authority figures (who are often arbiters of moral norms), as the fitness pay-offs of moral disapproval will primarily derive from the ramifications of condemning actions that occur within the immediate social arena. Correspondingly, moral transgressions should be viewed as less objectionable (...)
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    Pranic Healing: Documenting Use, Expectations, and Perceived Benefits of a Little-Known Therapy in the United States.Tonya L. Schuster, Maritza Jauregui, Mary D. Clark & Joie P. Jones - 2012 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 26 (3).
    The aim of this exploratory study was to examine client demographics and expectations, reasons for use, sensations during treatment, and perceived outcomes of Pranic Healing, an energy healing system lacking in scientific documentation but whose use in the general population is becoming more widespread internationally. This study consisted of a cross-sectional survey of adults (18+ years of age) receiving care from 12 Pranic Healing practices in four different states in the U.S. (N = 179) completing online questionnaires. Closed-ended response sets (...)
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    P. OXY. 2078, Vat. gr. 2228, and Vergil's Choaron.Raymond J. Clark - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (1):192-196.
    I shall argue the likelihood that Vergil took Aeacus’ speech as his model for Charon's, as part of Aeneas’ newly created journey through Vergil's expanded topography of Hades. The four Greek verses just quoted, addressed by Aeacus to Heracles, and Heracles’ reply in twelve, were first published separately by Rabe, and then inserted by Page as verses 16–19 and 20–31 between surviving frs. 1 and 2 of P.Oxy. 2078, to be ascribed in all likelihood to the lost Pirithous of Euripides, (...)
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    David Clark;, Stephen P. H. Clark. Newton’s Tyranny: The Suppressed Scientific Discoveries of Stephen Gray and John Flamsteed. 208 pp., bibl., index. New York: Owl Books, 2001. $14. [REVIEW]Nick Kollerstrom - 2005 - Isis 96 (2):278-279.
  35. Coupling, constitution and the cognitive kind: A reply to Adams and Aizawa.Andy Clark - 2010 - In Richard Menary, The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. pp. 81-99.
    Adams and Aizawa, in a series of recent and forthcoming papers,, ) seek to refute, or perhaps merely to terminally embarrass, the friends of the extended mind. One such paper begins with the following illustration: "Question: Why did the pencil think that 2+2=4? Clark's Answer: Because it was coupled to the mathematician" Adams and Aizawa ms p.1 "That" the authors continue "about sums up what is wrong with Clark's extended mind hypothesis". The example of the pencil, they suggest, is just (...)
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    Clark Kent Is Superman! the Ethics of Secrecy.Daniel P. Malloy - 2013-03-11 - In Mark D. White, Superman and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 47–60.
    Some secrets are fine to keep to ourselves, and others are not. At first glance, Clark’s secret seems to be fine, but it may not be if we look further into it. We all know Clark’s big secret: he is Superman. Secrets always belong to someone. This is one of the things that distinguish secrets from information we simply don’t have. Secrecy is morally neutral and can be used for good or bad ends. One other closely linked concept we must (...)
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    George Grote - M. L. Clarke: George Grote. A Biography. Pp. x+196; 7 photographs. London: Athlone Press, 1962. Cloth, 35 s. net. [REVIEW]P. A. Brunt - 1963 - The Classical Review 13 (03):338-339.
  38. A calculus of individuals based on "connection".Bowman L. Clarke - 1981 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 22 (3):204-218.
    Although Aristotle (Metaphysics, Book IV, Chapter 2) was perhaps the first person to consider the part-whole relationship to be a proper subject matter for philosophic inquiry, the Polish logician Stanislow Lesniewski [15] is generally given credit for the first formal treatment of the subject matter in his Mereology.1 Woodger [30] and Tarski [24] made use of a specific adaptation of Lesniewski's work as a basis for a formal theory of physical things and their parts. The term 'calculus of individuals' was (...)
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  39. Coupling, constitution and the cognitive kind.Andy Clark - 2010 - In Richard Menary, The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
    Adams and Aizawa, in a series of recent and forthcoming papers ((2001), (In Press), (This Volume)) seek to refute, or perhaps merely to terminally embarrass, the friends of the extended mind. One such paper begins with the following illustration: "Question: Why did the pencil think that 2+2=4? Clark's Answer: Because it was coupled to the mathematician" Adams and Aizawa (this volume) ms p.1 "That" the authors continue "about sums up what is wrong with Clark's extended mind hypothesis". The example of (...)
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  40. Features, places, and things: Reflections on Austen Clark's theory of sentience.Mohan P. Matthen - 2004 - Philosophical Psychology 17 (4):497-518.
    The paper argues that material objects are the primary referents of visual states -- not places, as Austen Clark would have it in his A Theory of Sentience.
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    Strategic ignorance, is it appropriate for indigenous resistance?Andrea Sullivan-Clarke - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (1):78-93.
    In The Racial Contract, Charles Mills introduces the notion of an ‘inverted epistemology,’ an epistemology that construes social and racial ignorance as knowledge (p.18). As Mills points out, such ignorance can be used to oppress people by creating alternate realities or ‘white mythologies’ about race (p. 19). If the racial contract results in a society that oppresses people of color and supports white supremacy, then the question of how to correct an inverted epistemology becomes critical. Mills proposes the correction of (...)
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  42. Antoni le Grand Apologia Pro Renato des-Cartes Contra Samuelem Parkerum, S.T.P. Archidiaconum Cantuariensem, Instituta & Adornata.Antoine Le Grand & Mary Clark - 1679 - Typis M[Ary]. Clark, Prostant Autem Venales Ad Insigne Campanæcœeterio D. Pauli.
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  43. Kant's 'in itself': Toward a New Adverbial Reading.W. Clark Wolf - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (2):207-246.
    It is commonly assumed that the expression “an sich selbst” (“in itself”) in Kant combines with terms to form complex nouns such as “thing in itself” and “end in itself.” I argue that the basic use of “an sich selbst” in Kant’s German is as a sentence adverb, which has the role of modifying subject-predicate combinations, rather than either subject or predicate on their own. Expressions of the form “S is P an sich selbst” mean roughly that S is P (...)
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  44. Clark Zumbach, The Transcendent Science: Kant's Conception of Biological Methodology Reviewed by. [REVIEW]F. P. van de Pitte - 1985 - Philosophy in Review 5 (9):412-414.
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    A randomised controlled trial of an Intervention to Improve Compliance with the ARRIVE guidelines (IICARus).Ezgi Tanriver-Ayder, Laura J. Gray, Sarah K. McCann, Ian M. Devonshire, Leigh O’Connor, Zeinab Ammar, Sarah Corke, Mahmoud Warda, Evandro Araújo De-Souza, Paolo Roncon, Edward Christopher, Ryan Cheyne, Daniel Baker, Emily Wheater, Marco Cascella, Savannah A. Lynn, Emmanuel Charbonney, Kamil Laban, Cilene Lino de Oliveira, Julija Baginskaite, Joanne Storey, David Ewart Henshall, Ahmed Nazzal, Privjyot Jheeta, Arianna Rinaldi, Teja Gregorc, Anthony Shek, Jennifer Freymann, Natasha A. Karp, Terence J. Quinn, Victor Jones, Kimberley Elaine Wever, Klara Zsofia Gerlei, Mona Hosh, Victoria Hohendorf, Monica Dingwall, Timm Konold, Katrina Blazek, Sarah Antar, Daniel-Cosmin Marcu, Alexandra Bannach-Brown, Paula Grill, Zsanett Bahor, Gillian L. Currie, Fala Cramond, Rosie Moreland, Chris Sena, Jing Liao, Michelle Dohm, Gina Alvino, Alejandra Clark, Gavin Morrison, Catriona MacCallum, Cadi Irvine, Philip Bath, David Howells, Malcolm R. Macleod, Kaitlyn Hair & Emily S. Sena - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    BackgroundThe ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines are widely endorsed but compliance is limited. We sought to determine whether journal-requested completion of an ARRIVE checklist improves full compliance with the guidelines.MethodsIn a randomised controlled trial, manuscripts reporting in vivo animal research submitted to PLOS ONE (March–June 2015) were randomly allocated to either requested completion of an ARRIVE checklist or current standard practice. Authors, academic editors, and peer reviewers were blinded to group allocation. Trained reviewers performed outcome adjudication (...)
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  46. Reason, Metaphysics, and Mind: New Essays on the Philosophy of Alvin Plantinga.Kelly James Clark & Michael Reason Rea (eds.) - 2012 - , US: Oup Usa.
    In May 2010, philosophers, family and friends gathered at the University of Notre Dame to celebrate the career and retirement of Alvin Plantinga, widely recognized as one of the world's leading figures in metaphysics, epistemology, and the philosophy of religion. Plantinga has earned particular respect within the community of Christian philosophers for the pivotal role that he played in the recent renewal and development of philosophy of religion and philosophical theology. Each of the essays in this volume engages with some (...)
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  47. Truth and Success: Searle's Attack on Minimalism.Michael Clark - 1997 - Analysis 57 (3):205-209.
    In the final chapter of his recent book, <it>The Construction of Social Reality</it> (1995), John Searle denies that the minimalist theory, as elaborated for example by Paul Horwich 1990, gives the entire content of the truth predicate, and vigorously defends the correspondence theory against it. He stigmatises minimalism as "wildly counterintuitive' and believes it is unsustainable. Although he agrees that, when a statement S means that P, S corresponds to the facts iff P, and that once we have established that (...)
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    Biological Sciences and Medicine Reflexes and Motor Integration: Sherrington's Concept of Integrative Action. By Judith P. Swazey. Harvard University Press and Oxford University Press. 1969. Pp. xviii + 273. £3.15. [REVIEW]Edwin Clarke - 1971 - British Journal for the History of Science 5 (3):305-306.
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    Tammelo Ilmar. Sketch for a symbolic juristic logic. Journal of legal education, vol. 8 , pp. 277–306. See Errata, ibid., vol. 9 , p. 148.Clark Romane L.. On Mr. Tammelo's conception of juristic logic. Mind, vol. 8 , pp. 491–496. [REVIEW]Alan Ross Anderson - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (1):92-93.
  50.  47
    Scientific Revolution Hermeticism and the Scientific Revolution. Papers read at a Clark Library Seminar, 9 March 1974. By Robert S. Westman and J. E. McGuire. Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 1977. Pp. iv + 150. No price stated. [REVIEW]P. B. Wood - 1980 - British Journal for the History of Science 13 (1):70-72.
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